Sunday, May 17, 2009

You Know Your in the West End When...

Chicken, Poo, Crackheads & Waffles: Adventures in the West End.

 "Boston Supreme-fish market" a local hot spot to roach like bums-who scatter as you pull in the parking lot- is convientetly located next to a Chevron in the west-end. This was the first place i had the honor to visit, when i came to see schools in Atlanta.  No thanks to my adoring brother, a morehouse man himself who thought that by enriching me into this communities everyday 'on the corner pill poppin' places I would become more aquianted to my new home in the so called "pit" (armpit) of Atlanta! 
Needless to say, i was entertainingly traumatized and somehow entrigued to learn, see, and do more in this-my new home!  And it wasnt until me my roommates and friends experianced some of the most outragrous and hilarious situtions that i decided to create a list of things that scream west end crazyness that deserve recognition! And if you've had similar experiances please add on!

You Know You're in the West End When....

1. you give a bum something, he remebers your face and acts like your family 
2.  there are 92874 fast food chicken places within blocks of each other
3. locals scream at you just because you go to SpelHouse
4. Journeys is an upscale store
5. homeless men walk on morehouse and no one says anything...or are sure if is or isnt a student
6. people wearing colorful suits sell fruit and meat patties on the street corner
7. the air has a taste...
8. you can buy 30 pairs of socks for 5 bucks
9. you can join the buy 7 pairs of shoes and get the 8th one free!
10. bums scamper (not walk) aimlessly on the street at night
11. every once in while people are actually taking a tour with maps and everything

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