Sunday, May 31, 2009

Will dance for food!

You would think diving into a pile of pretty clothes would be an ideal job for someone who loves fashion right?  However, after toiling through 80 pounds of unsold sale panties my attitude completely changed.  Now, dont get me wrong, I LOVE Victoria Secrets, the clothes, fragrences, and lingerie. But after almost being blinded by "very sexy" glitter, having to follow "suspicious" (black) customers around the store, to finding soiled 'not so sexy' underwear in the sale bucket, a person would begin to question their initial role to these seemingly fun place to work. But i need money people! I find myself doing the same cheap/stingy ish that i do in school-while im home! lol this is alll bad! Soo i asked around and it seems like i should probably just be a waitress...a friend of mine made 130 bucks in tips-on ONE night! crazyness... maybe ill work at a busy place like chilli's or tgif...not too classy but the food is de-li-cious! Or maybe the new chic lounge/restaurnts here in Miami. RA (sounds like raw) a trendy new sushi place where Rihanna was recently spotted, TOWN another chic bougie place close to home. 

sometimes i wish i was skanky, then id just strip....




Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spelman-My Disney Land

              After battling off crackheads, or sheilding your face from the sewer filled air, the seemingly golden gates of Spelmans campus and (fake) smiles welcomes you into a wonderland of beauty. The colorful flower blooms planted so precisly, vibrant birds chirping (even at 3 am), fuzzy fat squirrels, and big bumble bees tickling the petals of flowers at times reminds me of the mary poppins movie or a magical place like Disney World! 
              Unfortunately for me the magic of disney was ruined when i got to enter the park through the back entrance during grad night in high school! This was a very low point for me in life as i watched all my childhood dreams packed into boxes, and taken apart. There was something about seeing the metal skeleton of the peter pan ride, a few bald/make up less princesses on their cigarette break and a decapitated mickey mouse that was utterly disturbing and life changing! 
                Spelman is my Disney! A happy dream like world, that is actually just a brown-sugar coated costume of  a distorted wonder-wo-man. 

where are all the rats? have you ever even seen a pigeon on campus? I begin to question Spelman. I always wondered if the magic of disney was still there at night, or if cinderella was really in that castle. What if mickey mouse turns into ricky the rat at night, and if there is really a disney dungeon, which is supposidly a disney jail, where that fat guy dog-thing from goofy and his goons are the guards

**this started out as a simple comparison of disneys magic to spelmans aesthetic beauty, but as i kept writing i realized it was a little deeper than just me, it was beyond the magic! dun dun dunnnnnn....stay tuned for the complete version of this blog!!!

You Know Your in the West End When...

Chicken, Poo, Crackheads & Waffles: Adventures in the West End.

 "Boston Supreme-fish market" a local hot spot to roach like bums-who scatter as you pull in the parking lot- is convientetly located next to a Chevron in the west-end. This was the first place i had the honor to visit, when i came to see schools in Atlanta.  No thanks to my adoring brother, a morehouse man himself who thought that by enriching me into this communities everyday 'on the corner pill poppin' places I would become more aquianted to my new home in the so called "pit" (armpit) of Atlanta! 
Needless to say, i was entertainingly traumatized and somehow entrigued to learn, see, and do more in this-my new home!  And it wasnt until me my roommates and friends experianced some of the most outragrous and hilarious situtions that i decided to create a list of things that scream west end crazyness that deserve recognition! And if you've had similar experiances please add on!

You Know You're in the West End When....

1. you give a bum something, he remebers your face and acts like your family 
2.  there are 92874 fast food chicken places within blocks of each other
3. locals scream at you just because you go to SpelHouse
4. Journeys is an upscale store
5. homeless men walk on morehouse and no one says anything...or are sure if is or isnt a student
6. people wearing colorful suits sell fruit and meat patties on the street corner
7. the air has a taste...
8. you can buy 30 pairs of socks for 5 bucks
9. you can join the buy 7 pairs of shoes and get the 8th one free!
10. bums scamper (not walk) aimlessly on the street at night
11. every once in while people are actually taking a tour with maps and everything